Sunday, April 19, 2009

People in today's society...grrrr

There is something everyone needs to know about Stupid People. You can take a stupid person and educated him ... and educated him ... and educate him. You can educate the HELL out of a stupid person and he will still be stupid. See, it's not about education or IQ scores. We have all known a lot of educated people who still say and do stupid things. Matter of fact, they hang on to their stupidity with both hands. It's amazing how determined some people are to stay stupid. Why is that? Well, let's think about it for a moment. Once their stupidity is gone, what is left? Responsibility.

Scary stuff, responsibility is. Suddenly, these people have to be accountable for their words and actions. Without their stupidity to hide behind, these people have to pay attention! They have to take other people's feelings and rights into consideration. They have to actually put thought into what they are about to say or do. They have to make amends when they mess up.

Well, that's no good, is it? It is extremely inconvenient to have to stop and think about right from wrong. It eats up a lot of time and energy to consider how Joe or Bill or Mary might react about something. It does not feel nice to say, "I'm sorry" to someone you have hurt. It is easier to just go scrambling through life like a runaway mule, keeping the blinders on, so they don't see who they have hurt around them or the damage left in their wake.

What's worse is that when a stupid person does something stupid, the people around him tend to say, "Aw, heck. He can't help it. He's stupid." No one holds a stupid person accountable for their words or actions, because their stupidity is expected (and because of that, it continues). But, people are not runaway mules. They should not be allowed to run willy-nilly through life. Stupidity is not a backstage pass to the Concert of Consideration.

Stupidity is a social disease and, like all diseases, it is every body's responsibility to make sure it does not spread to infect everyone else. Instead of excusing stupidity when it happens, we each have the right and duty to call a person on it. It is simple self-defense! By setting boundaries, we force Stupid People to wake up and own up. By insisting that Stupid People give up their flimsy shields of "Didn't Know Any Better" and "Can't Help Themselves" we help them become Smart People.

... Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world with fewer Stupid People and more Smart People?

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine life without stupid people!!! Unfortunately I don't think that's ever going to happen! =[
